
Environmental Management

All executives and employees of Dongwon Precision Co., Ltd. recognize that preserving the global environment is a crucial responsibility. We identify environmental impacts, address issues proactively, and lead in preserving the natural environment by minimizing our environmental impact in all corporate activities according to our environmental policy.

  • Environmental, Safety, and Health-prioritized management

    Recognize environmental management as a fundamental aspect of management and implement environmentally friendly production activities along with the continuous improvement of the environmental management system
  • Environmental Protection and Resource Recycling

    Promote saving, reusing, and recycling to protect energy and natural resources while minimizing emissions of environmental pollutants.
  • ISO 14001 Certification

    Establish and maintain an environmental management system that meets ISO 14001 requirements and complies with relevant regulations.
  • Conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment

    Conduct environmental impact assessments to establish environmental goals and detailed implementation plans, and strive to achieve and continuously improve these goals.
  • Conducting Environmental Education and Training

    Provide information on environmental aspects to all executives and employees, and conduct education and training to ensure compliance with the environmental management system.
  • Transparency in Environmental Management

    To ensure transparency in environmental management, disclose environmental policies to the public.